Monday, November 21, 2005
Things I learned in Mississippi
- There are no strangers in the body of Christ
- A storm is no respecter of persons (or incomes)
- JD and family are truly warm, gracious and very welcoming.
- No one understands my traveling alone to a place where I had never met anyone (I tried explaining that I KNEW the people..)
- People are generous by nature
- People everywhere donate clothing and shoes that should be thrown away!
- Fresh water is a precious commodity
- The church is much more attractive when it is out of the building, where it belongs.
- No matter where you are women are territorial about “their” kitchens
- 83 year old women have earned the right to be dogmatic (and most I have ever met are!)
- You can get by without 95% of your “stuff”.
- Some friendships can be formed “instantly” (I hope I get to see Julie again someday)
- I really like organization but I do not like “red-tape”.
- I do not like being out of control (big surprise there, huh?)
- Hugs are sometimes the best thing you can give.
- It is easy to lose focus of the “big” picture when doing specific jobs
- People are unusually wary of anyone who offers them something for “free”.
- Men can be more compassionate and more long winded than women
- “Lazy Dog” is a very apropos expression (they lay in the sun ALL DAY)
- One genuine “thank you” is both humbling and rewarding
**forgot the camera today, but you can get a better feel for things by checking out JD's pictures here**
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well put.
I like them all. at the risk of being labeled, the weekend before I faced the same traveling alone question, I felt God tell me that I am never alone as long as I walk with him... I found that to be the best answer to the question.
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I like them all. at the risk of being labeled, the weekend before I faced the same traveling alone question, I felt God tell me that I am never alone as long as I walk with him... I found that to be the best answer to the question.
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