Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Thinking about Numbers...
Also, do you think God tells us about people like Balaam where we will know that he always has people who are doing his will and are his messengers whether or not they are known by what is known as “His People”? Just a thought to ponder.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So, I had to turn on word sorry!
Trying to rush out the door where we would have time to grab a biscuit I got behind a little old man who had about 10 cases of soft drinks on his cart. (Obviously they were on sale that week). Well you guessed it, as he got out the door a couple of the cases fell off of the cart and the boxes broke and soft drinks went everywhere. I moved his buggy closer to his van for him and proceeded to pick up all of the ones on the ground. As I was trying to rush away he said he wanted to give me something. Well of course I didn’t want him to give me anything….so I said “That’s OK” and ran to the car where David was waiting.
Well this man was not to be so easily put aside. He drove his van over to block our car and gave me the object that he wanted me to have. Having no ideal that I was going to be late for an appointment in Huntsville he was sure he had the answer to all of my problems.
What he gave me was a piece of peppermint with the following verse attached. He said that he knew God wanted him to give it to me because I was in such a hurry. He was right….I needed this reminder. Here is the verse:
I "mint" to call and thank you,
When I told this story to my class Terri was sure I had made it up. You can’t make this stuff up…..and I would like to thank Bill for reminding me of this with his post this week.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Made the Switch
We will see if it is any better....I am not holding my breath. I still have my Word Press account ready to make the switch....
Do you think that is what examining ones self is all about? I do. I think we must continually challenge ourselves if we are to stay out of a rut. If we grow and develop and mature it will take something more than mindlessly doing all the things we have always done the way that we have always done them. Sometimes we discover we had the best way the whole time...but how will you ever really know that if you don't question it?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Much Better, Thank you...
Helping me to keep perspective, we kept the triplets Friday night. Diana and I attended a wedding yesterday and had a lot of fun while we both connected with some old friends. Matthew rode home with me today after a wonderful worship time, and then the whole family went to my Mom & Dad's for lunch including chicken dumplings and chocolate cake. Yummy!
I think some of my other stresses were self inflicted and have also been put behind me. So I think this week will start off with a much better attitude from me....I totally prefer to be smiling!!!
Friday, January 26, 2007
I had a best friend through most of my growing up years that was closer than a sister. However about twelve years ago we had a falling out of sorts. I have mentioned this on this blog in the past but the long and short of the story is that she chose to honor another friendship she had over our friendship. I didn’t ask her to make that choice but in the process of taking advantage of me that is exactly what she did. All of these years I have worked hard to put that hurt behind me. And I think that I have.
Oddly enough in the last month I have had an opportunity to have dealings with her sister. I have gone out of my way to be extra helpful and sweet to her. I have tried to give good advice and was going the extra mile to help her out. Well, one day this week she calls me up and goes over some things I have told her and then tells me that she has found a better rate somewhere else. Then she says she loves me….and hangs up.
Business is business right? So why do I feel the sting of rejection all over again? Why can’t I just find grace in my heart and forget about it?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
For Kenny
Five things you don’t know about me……
{this is hard when you once did a post of 100 things about me….}
- I have lived on a lake for almost 12 years and I never go fishing. I think it goes back to my childhood. When I was in girl scouts we went fishing at a local lake. One of the girls had left her line lying on the ground somehow I tripped on it and her hook ended up in my leg. I have never had much desire to be around those pesky little hooks since.
- When I went to Germany to visit my little brother we were there at the right time to go to the Holland Tulip festival. To get there we got to drive on an open road race course. It was awesome and surprising to get to see all of that. One other side trip we made was to Luxemburg. We kind of accidentally found the sight of Patton’s grave. That was another cool thing from that trip.
- When I was 18 I was working in a Pizza place over the summer. Working there created the only time that I have ever called in sick to work when I was not really sick. David and I were spending the weekend at the lake with another couple. They begged me not to go to work that Saturday night. So I called in and said I had hurt my back skiing. The guilt was so heavy that when I did go back I put in my notice. Whew! Feels good to confess that!
- David and I used to bowl in a mixed bowling league. I carried an average of around 145. I guess I was a fairly decent bowler. Again, when Derek started playing sports we found that we didn’t have time to keep up the bowling.
- During my Biology class in 10th grade, the boys would take a dip of Skoal and stand in the window to spit. They were even known to crawl out the window to skip class. All of this was known to the teacher. However, the one time we had a little snow in Alabama (a rare occurrence) I was standing up at the window to look out at the snow. I got a paddling from this teacher….for looking at snow. Talk about your dual standards……this man is now a Judge in our fair city. I have told him on several occasions that I have never quite forgiven him. On some levels that may be true.
There you go….not very interesting. If you still want to know more about me go back and read the 100 things about me….if you need a sleeping aid that is.
Checking In
Terri and I had a great time going to Crossbridge on Sunday. It is always a bitter sweet experience. It feels like home and feels like family and is too far to be that. It kind of stings everytime to know that I can't be a part of the special thing they have there.
Last night we had a pizza fest at Terri's with our friend Kay. We had a good time and some good discussions.
I am somewhat brain dead this morning, but felt the need to check in.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Goodbye Bears
Many of you know that I have been struggling with major decisions and fear of disappointing or hurting others with my decisions. This has not been an easy time for me. My heart has been in a constant state of flux and my emotions have been high. I have felt fear and hurt as well as joy and excitement, along with every emotion in between. But now it is time to press on and see what the future will bring.
And while I truly hope that I have not hurt or disappointed anyone I am pressing on. God is leading me on an exciting journey. He is asking me to open my heart and my mind and let him show me the path. I have said before that leaps of faith are hard. But the exhilaration of letting go is beyond description.
So no more grouchy bears!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Up Side the Head.
Tonight I was reading in What is So Amazing About Grace? (Philip Yancey) and he was using the parable of the vineyard workers to make a point. He quoted Matt 20:15 "Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be jealaous because I am kind to others?"
OUCH!! You have my attention. I should never question the grace of others any more than I should assume that I deserve any grace at all...Duly noted!
The Dark Side
Still feeling like a big, fat, ugly, lazy, grouchy, unmotivated bear....
I guess I need to play some tennis!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Acting like a bear...
Sometimes I think when it gets colder my nature becomes like a bear....I want to eat and sleep a lot and get a little grumpy when I can't....I need to sleep for about a month to offset the eating....
I got in trouble during a meeting again today for clicking my pen....When asked if anyone had anything else I asked when our next holiday would be....chances are I will not be winning employee of the month!
I think I will go to my cave now!
Basketball, Tennis and Mildew
Well Leviticus is intriguing. (The truth is I agree with Greg AKA Stoogelover's first assumption of dry and boring.) But you wonder how the Priest had any time to offer sacrificies when they were inspecting every sore, itch or bald spot in a camp of this many people. If that is not enough, they had to examine cloth and leather for mold and mildew. Sounds like a truly glamorous job.
But, if you have ever tried to get mildew out of anything then the advice to just destroy it makes a lot of sense. I guess most of the book makes a lot of sense, I just wonder how many different ways you can describe an unclean sore....
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Good News/Bad News
The good news is that I am through the book of Exodus….the bad news is that means I am now in Leviticus. I did have a couple of thoughts about the giving of the law to the Israelites.
- While Joseph and most of the household of Jacob knew God, they were also under the influence of the numerous gods of Egypt and even Joseph’s own mother stole her dad’s household gods. I imagine that the 3,000,000 who crossed the Jordan were for the most part as ignorant as the Egyptians about who God was.
- While we are given the “laws” during the period of time of the wilderness wanderings, most of the sacrificial laws could not have been implemented until they settled in the promised land.
- Some of the laws that I find the most strange may have been given to help maintain the health and well being of a huge number of people.
- Never before had God set aside a group of people as his own. There had to be some distinction between them and their pagan neighbors.
- Still, I wonder why it all had to be written down….maybe Haggai could answer that…
- I read the book of Galatians this week after finishing Exodus and was extremely grateful for the fact that I don’t have to try and keep the law. Grace is so marvelous!
One other thought I had last week when I was reading about manna was the correlation between the daily bread given and the Lord’s Prayer that tells us to pray for “daily bread”. Perhaps we would be well advised to pay attention to the provisions of God, but to understand he wants us to depend on him again….every day.
Monday, January 15, 2007
A "Bruce" Tale
Hello everyone,
The other day (the 8th) I went to mid day sick call to ask about my heart flutter I was having. Well, I signed in and put my reason for being there, when they finally saw me they started freaking out like I was going down right then. Never mind that I sat in the waiting area for an hour. Anyway they call 911 (yes this is a hospital with doctors) to take me to where? The emergency room down town. (That’s called out sourcing). Anyway they put me on oxygen and tell me how foolish I was not to come in before, then they start and IV and tell me I could have a blood clot at any second and I was a goner. Now I was having a pretty good day up till this point. I wasn’t sick or feeling bad. The only thing going on was I had to breathe a little more because my heart beats were not efficient.
Needless to say MD Tucker has had one of these before (about two years ago) and it had passed. So I wasn’t as worried as they were.
Now the ambulance team shows up. And what do they ask? How you doing? Well, why don’t you ask the doctor because I feel fine. (I was not even being sarcastic) Then he starts telling me I could have a blood clot and died. These guys aren’t real big on trying to get repeat business.
We ride downtown (no lights because I’m conscious and not complaining) and they roll me in and start looking me over. They had just got the IV on (which the Para medics had to replace in the ambulance because the one from the base wasn’t working right) and did the first EKG (second one of the day) and Walla, my heart returned to normal rhythm. I looked at the nurse and said “you guys are good”! Well, since they had me there they were not taking any chances of missing a great opportunity to run up a HUGE bill for the government. So, first I got blood taken, then chest X-rays, then a thorough (no abnormal probing) exam by a “real” doctor, then they ran me down and gave me a CAT scan of my heart with the iodine injection for special effects.
Here’s a note for you; if you go to a hospital pay attention to what they tell you. Every where I was sent or every new person I saw said the same thing: what are you here for? What can we do for you? What? I was rolled down here in a stretcher and you want me to tell you what I’m here for. You should have issued me a pad and pencil if I needed to take notes for my cat scan or what the doctor said when he walked away. I was not expecting a test and I failed to diagnose myself correctly; obviously I was the only one thinking I wasn’t going to die.
So what was the result of all this? My blood work was all good in all areas (no evidence of heart attack), my chest x-ray was clear, my cat scan of my chest cavity/heart was clear and my heart rate was excellent by the time I left. I felt great (just like I did when I came in) and they felt puzzled. The doctor said I was not having an atrial fibrillation but my heart was beating too fast. The difference is with the fibrillation one of your valves has stopped beating. That’s when you get the blood clots.
I had to go back in yesterday to see a doctor (on base) so he can send me down town to see a cardiologist. They did another EKG fourth one in two days and everything was normal. But, as I said they will be sending me downtown to a specialist.
Although I was worried (actually sacred at one point when the fifth person told me I could die) the other day by what these people were saying I actually walked away feeling better for the entire ordeal with all the test they did on me. I was really glad to hear my cholesterol was normal I always watch that. Five hours of well spent time to find out everything looks good but I have a goofy heart.
And another benefit was I don’t have to wax where they put those little sticky monitor pads (you know the crash test dummy ones) because they put them on and took them off three times and then once again yesterday.
Fortunately they gave me a wrist name tag so people would believe me. Of course at work people were already bidding for who would replace me and upper supervision thought I was out for the count. Feel the love.
Just so everyone gets the same story, it was strange day but no medicines were given and no restrictions either. To bad I was hoping I would have an excuse not to exercise.
So praise the good Lord it was a significant wake up but at the same time the good Lord has given me great health up till now. I have no reason to complain even if I do have a quirky heart.
Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Lots of love
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
I guess the older I get in life the more I understand. We are much the same way. It is hard to give up the comfort and security of the "known" for the unknown adventures that we may feel God is calling us toward.
If no other message is portrayed in the books of Genesis and Exodus the fact that God expects us to step out in faith is emphasized over and over. He doesn't require that we understand why...I am sure Abraham never understood why he got so close to killing his own son. I as sure Moses never really understood "why him?". But he acted in faith anyway. (I never said he didn't whine...and God loved him....)
Sometimes what God may be calling us to do is to take a leap of faith. Leaps generally take you out of your comfort zone. Will I spend my time like the children of Israel looking back and wondering how it could have been, or will I press forward and see where God will lead me and how he will help me overcome obstacles as I live my life for him?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
England, Outback and the Comfort Zone
Is there any thing better than spending an evening with a good friend? You throw in a perfectly cooked Filet and this girl is practically giddy with joy! Terri and I have moved to the point where we are totally comfortable with each other. It has not been an easy transition for either of us. We both have "relationship issues". However for all the ways we are different, we are a perfect compliment to each other. We find common ground in unique ways. I hope you all have such a friend.
Did I mention how warm the leapord comforter is? I think I will go try it out!
Good night.
In Exodus 12:37 we are told that there were 600,000 men that left Egypt heading for the land of Canaan. This did not include women and children. If we make the conservative assumption that there were an equal number of women and children this would mean 1,200,000 people were walking out of Egypt and later crossed the Red Sea.
If my math is correct and you make a general assumption that one person would take up a foot of space then it would follow that if you lined all the people up in a straight line it would cover a little over 227 miles! So if they had ever got in a straight line from there is would have been a two day journey. Even if you traveled in many miles would their camp encompass?
I think I have just pictured a little group of people wandering around when I visualized this in the past. This was a "herd" of people! No wonder Moses was hitting the rock!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
The Tower of Babel
One thing that I realized I had always learned wrong is the story of the Tower of Babel. Was I the only one who thought from the stories told on the old “flannel board” that God confused the people’s speech because they were building a tower to try and reach heaven? I always thought he was really worried about what the people would be able to accomplish if they were this united in this project. The truth is (as I read it now, you may can tell me that I have still missed the point…) that God just wanted them to spread out. They were trying to start an inclusive sort of city that said “look at us, we have built a great tower” and they wanted to be able to stay together. God’s plan was for them to scatter over all the earth. The best way to accomplish this was to confuse their speech. It seems that God has never been real pleased with people who wanted to enclose themselves in a fabulous structure and all just “stay together”.
I wonder if we can apply this lesson to our lives today? Was I the only one that misunderstood this as a child?
Monday, January 08, 2007
This and That
I enjoyed two hours of great tennis after work. It is a great stress reliever especially on Monday! I am glad we are getting tennis going strong here locally. Maybe it will cut down on my driving!
Two years ago when I was reading through the Bible I started a journal which was just a brief overview of each chapter. Amazingly I kept it up until March 17th. I think the problem was Leviticus. I started trying to do a Psalm and a New Testament chapter when I got bogged down...but I was almost through with Leviticus when I quit.....
This year I am trying to start it back. I will press through Leviticus, even if I don't write very much on those chapters. I finished Genesis today so maybe being ahead of the game will help me push through... BTW- I did make it reading through the Bible in 2005, I just didn't keep up the journaling..
I have some interesting and possibly obscure thoughts. Maybe I will share them with you when I have some blogger's block....or maybe just when I think you will enjoy my thoughts.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Road Trip
I love opening my mind and heart to new ways of doing things....but then you probably had figured that out about me already....
Decorating Sense
After cleaning out my closet this afternoon I decided to go ahead and change to my winter comforter even though winter is never coming. But when I was taking some stuff upstairs to my daughters old bedroom I noticed her leopard print comforter..."hmmm" I thought "maybe I should have a little surprise for David when he gets home". Of course the comforter was not big enough for my king size bed, but I had a plan. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a cheap (and thin) black comforter and a couple of black pillow shams. Now with the leopard print on top of that with the leopard pillows my daughter also had we are styling!! In addition I hung some black sheers on the window and brought down a matching rug!
The whole make over was less than $50.00!!
Do you think they will let me on HGTV??
Check it out here---(just for Jenni)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Give Me The Bible
Currently I have the following versions:
The Book
The Message
I find myself reading/studying out of The Book at lot. But I really do like the way the NLT reads as well.
Anyone have suggestions? I may hit the bookstore this weekend.
Friday, January 05, 2007
It occurred to me this morning as I was watching the boat dock sway in the wind that the last time he was gone was when the boat dock got loose. I am sure that if I lived alone I would simplify things a lot. I don’t like worrying about things blowing away.
I am glad it is Friday. This has been an unusually stressful week for me on every front.
But God is good and he continues to carry me even when I try to get loose and run on my own.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Who Are You....Who, Who?
Do you ever have the feeling that people misunderstand you? Do you think you know what they think about you, but just don’t know how to change their impression?
If you could make five statements about yourself mostly aimed at clearing up misconceptions people had of you what would they be? Here are mine…in no particular order.
- I don’t think I am better or smarter than you. I am a bit of an introvert and have trouble believing that people really want to talk to me…therefore, it is hard for me to be the one who starts a conversation.
- I have a deep love, fear and respect for God. I love to study and try to live like he wants me to live. I am so grateful for Jesus and the grace that he brings to my life. I really want to be able to share that love and grace with others. I think this is the most important mission in my life.
- I don’t have it all together. Most of the time I am just a mess. It may seem that I have some great scheme going on….don’t be deceived. More often than not I fly by the seat of my pants. I talk a good game and can B.S. with the best of ‘em. It is kind of a hobby for me.
- I know that there are more beautiful babies and toddlers in the world than my grandchildren. I know that you really don’t appreciate looking at them and talking about them as much as I do…..I purposely try to limit my talk of them, but trust me, I will be glad to talk about them all night long….and to me there are none more beautiful and more precious.
- If I have ever hurt, upset or offended you I am sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose. If I did surely I would remember it. But if I owe you an apology please let me know, I would love to try and make it right.
I am sure there are other ways that I am misunderstood or misread. But these are the ones that immediately came to my mind. So what about you.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
...and by the way
Muddling Through
When I read back over the resolutions and/or revelations I had during the past year I realize that writing down goals is a good way to keep yourself accountable. I am not ready to write down my goals for the coming year but I guess I can somewhat analyze my successes and failures from last year.
Many things were forced on me last year with my expanding responsibilities. My financial situation changed by a natural slow down in the business due to higher interest rates and due to the fact that I had to miss so much work with the birth and hospitalization of the triplets. At the same time the needs of my immediate family seemed to increase. This caused me to change they way I approached and viewed many things. I lost a lot of the luxury of time and disposable income that I had grown somewhat accustomed to. I think these factors have had a strong impact on all of my successes and failures during the year.
- Being a church member: My time at church was curtailed due to my increased responsibilities. I did not have time to “start” any new programs. I was unable to find any programs that I could “plug” into. However, I find myself very hungry for community. I use this “blog-world” to satisfy some of that hunger, but I still need to find a ministry where I can serve. Hopefully one day I will be able to lead again. But for now, I just want to serve. I have failed in finding that ministry.
- I did much better on being organized. I still ain’t there….not eve close. But I am in better shape than I was last year.
- I am using my “photo-blogs” as my journaling tool for the grandkids. I need to write more, but at least it is an on-going pursuit.
- Failed at getting fit….blaming the babies. 2007 will be better, although I did do pretty well on ignoring the number on the scales….
- I am better at being a “people person”. I have a long way to go, but I am better.
I like the stuff I realized during the mid-year. It is important to realize what things you can and cannot control. It is good to move on when control is out of reach. Goals/Revelations for 2007 will be coming soon!
I don't suspect anyone else will know or care about this...but in case I go back and read. I decided not to make any other resolution this year other than to get closer to God and to be more like Jesus. Really, when it comes down to it...what else matters?
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
More Old Resoloutions----
“Mid-year” resolutions or revelations.
- I find that my priorities have been changed for me. I haven’t had to give it a lot of thought. I have not had much choice. I think that I am doing the things that God wants me to do when I am taking care of my family.
- I don’t get upset about things I have no control over. I used to let it ruin my day when my favorite team would lose….why? Do they ever think about me at all? NO! I will enjoy watching until I don’t enjoy it, then I will turn it off!!
- I am enjoying the other things that I do. When I play tennis, I have fun. When I play on the water, I have fun. I read things I enjoy or that stimulate my thinking. No more wasting time.
- I have quit living in the past. There are so many “woulda, coulda, shoulda” in all of our lives, but we must live in the moment, making it count the best that we can.
- I am better at realizing that the kingdom is among us now. I don’t spend my life looking forward to going to heaven, but am trying to realize that the kingdom of God is inside of me and it is my responsibility to introduce it to others.
- I can cherish my friends without thinking that I am their only friend.
- I realize that I cannot be friends with some people no matter how hard I try.
All in all, I think I have grown up a lot in the last year. It is both liberating and scary. I want to make my life count and I am grateful that my hangups have lessened. How about you? Has 2006 brought any great changes/revelations in your life?
Happy 2007!
I read where several of you went back and did “the best of 2006” from your blogs. That is a great idea, but I find myself getting too bogged down in what I wrote. I read every entry if I go back….not a bad thing, but just not something I have time for right now.
However, I did discover my resolutions for 2006 and I thought I would share them with you;
Goals for 2006
- Quit being a church member. I want to be a Christian, a disciple, an apprentice of Jesus. I want to learn what he did and try to become more and more like him. I want to grow myself spiritually and take this grown-up self to worship with other Christians. I will still worship in the same place with the same people. I just don’t want to be defined by my local church. I just want to be a Christian. (although wouldn’t it be great if my church were defined by me….and it was a good thing!)
- Get organized. I have paid lip service to this in the past but have lacked the motivation to take it beyond that. The reason I want to be organized is to allow myself more time to enjoy the things that I want to do, while still getting the things done that I HAVE to do. This will not be the flip of a switch for me. It will require an ongoing commitment.
- Write it down. I want to start a “journal” of sorts for each of my grandchildren. I want to have that as a gift for them later in their lives. I also want to spend some time with my Mom & Dad and get there story “down”.
- Get fit! I am not going to obsess about weight or inches, but I want to be in good shape. I made major improvements in 2005 but I want to keep going just to keep this earthly house in the best shape that I can.
- Become a people person. I want to know people better. I want to be a friend, a helper, an advocate and sometimes even a confronter. I want to experience the joys and yes the sorrows of making myself more open and accessible to people.
It will take more time than I currently have to tell you how I failed and succeeded in the preceding pursuits. But I will get back with you on that. Sometimes writing stuff down causes a level of accountability that you are not accustomed to…. I will also update my goals for the coming year.
We had a great time at the beach. We had no internet connection and that became a blessing of peace for me. I did a lot of good reading and David and I watched several movies. I love the peace I get from just hearing the sound of the waves break on the shore.
Let’s get it started…..a great 2007!!