Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The "F" Words

The last day of February is absolutely beautiful in Cullman Alabama! It is sunny and around 70 degrees. These are the days when I long to be independently wealthy. But alas, I must work.

I played tennis last night and won!! It was a lot of fun. My partner is 25 weeks pregnant (I seem to be surrounded). She is nowhere near as big as Diana. That is what puts it in perspective for me.

I have been doing a lot of thinking about some “F” Words.

As we all prepare to enter the next season of our lives (spring) and say goodbye to this short “F” month (February); I think these are good words to think on.

And now I think I will Find time to Frolic in this Fair weather, life is Fantastic!!

Prayer Request Day

Today is request day for our "Blogger Prayer Day" tomorrow. If you don't want to put your request on your blog, feel free to put in the comments here. I will pass along to praying bloggers.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Baby Update

Everything is still good. No contractions, no high blood pressure, babies still growing.


Boy weighs 3.2 lbs
Girl #1 2.7 lbs
Girl #2 2.5 lbs

Yes 7 lbs and 14 oz at 30 weeks……

Needless to say she is quite miserable.

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Finding my Sweet Spot

This may sound a little strange coming from a Church of Christ girl, but I am looking forward to Lent. I have “given” things up before in a half hearted attempt to “do Lent” but I have never studied it and actually developed Christian disciplines as a part of the season. I know that our tradition does not formally participate in this, but that don’t make it a bad ideal. Anytime you devote 40 days of your life to getting closer to Jesus and celebrating his sacrifice for you it has got to be a good thing. I doubt that I will post the details of my Lent disciplines, but I will be glad to share them with you by e-mail if you care to know.

Don’t forget our “Blogger’s Day of Prayer” this Wednesday. Tomorrow is request day, so if you have prayer request you can post them as a response to a “Request Post” I will put up tomorrow or you can post them on your own blog or on Albone’s blog. Let’s join hearts Wednesday and appeal to our Father as a group.

This weekend I was praying for God to show me how he wanted me to serve him. As I was praying this visions of my family kept coming to my mind. I think God was telling me that my husband, my daughter and her family, my son and his family, my Mom & Dad and my Mother-in-law (not to mention my Aunt and Uncle) all need me. There will be times when I can still be involved in other acts of service, but I don’t think there is anything wrong with me making this a priority in my life. I shared this thought with a good friend this weekend and my feelings were validated in such a kind and thoughtful way. I know that there may be many needs to arise and many opportunities to be Jesus in my world, but no one would respect me if I helped others and neglected my own family.

Speaking of family, below are my boys in their Japaneese head-bands David brought them from Japan. Picture the all saying “Hey-Yah”

Sunday, February 26, 2006

By the way

Did ya'll know that Dish Network now carries

The Tennis Channel??

I am so excited!

The "Do"


(will Elizabeth notice the Bear Bryant book on the shelf?)


Saturday, February 25, 2006

I did it

I got it cut....

It's short (but not too short) and sassy....perhaps a picture will follow.

I like it, I like it alot. David said it looked sassy. He SAID he liked it.

Change it good!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Change is in the air...

I really want to get my hair cut. It is real convenient to be able to pull it all up in a pony tail when working out or playing tennis, but I am tired of the same old style. It is actually easy to fix the way it is now and I know many of the new cuts require more time and effort to look right. But I am ready for a change.

I may have told you before that I have been accused of being addicted to change. I don’t think that is true, I think that I am just “open” to change. There is a difference. I don’t think we should go around changing things just to be changing things. If the change does not bring about a good result then why change. In the same way, I am not afraid to say that something doesn’t work and to change again. But, you know, you can never really go back. Once something has been changed it cannot be made to go back to its exact original state (think of a road map…). Generally when we start trying to go backwards, we do just that, we lose ground.

I think that our entire lives should be spent learning and evolving. If our children quit growing and “changing” sizes and maturity levels we would be very concerned for them. Do you think our heavenly Father is any less concerned with us when we don’t grow and change? How it must hurt him when we even stomp our feet and refuse to change. What are we really afraid of?

**BTW I am open to suggestions for a new hair style**

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Blog Pray Day

** Update- Allen has set Tuesday as prayer request day. If you would like special prayer post it on Tuesday for blog prayer on Wednesday. You can post request on your blog or here in the comment section**
Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves. By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. Lent consists of the forty days before Easter. In the western Church, we skip over the Sundays when we count the days of Lent, because Sunday is always the joyful celebration of the Resurrection. Therefore, the first day of Lent in the western Church is always a Wednesday, commonly known as Ash Wednesday.
(taken from this website)

It is most appropriate on Ash Wednesday, when we begin a period of sober reflection, self-examination, and spiritual redirection.

Now I know that our tradition does not normally observe Lent and I am not asking you to do so here. However, one of my blog friends has suggested we do a day of “blog prayer” and I suggested we do it on Ash Wednesday which this year falls on March 1st. What better way to reflect on Jesus temptation in the dessert than by praying for each other.

This is the plea that Albone posted:

I have this crazy idea I want to share with you. Let's get all of the bloggers we know together and pray! Let's pick a day and a time and post our prayers for each other on our respective blogs. Let's, just for a short time, unite and draw closer to God and each other!What do you think? Can we pull off a blog prayer chain? Do you wanna try it? If so, contact your fellow bloggers and let them know! We will try to set up a time to do it.

So the day is set, March 1st, 2006. Will you pass the word and join us in a day of “blog-prayer”?

Birthday Boy

Today is the birthday of my sweet little boy. Well, he is not so little or even so young anymore today he is a quarter of a century old. Man, that must mean his dad is getting old!

I know that people enjoy and experience God on many levels. They learn to love and respect and fear him. But for me, I never really understood the grace of God until I became a Mother. My son has done his share of “wilderness wanderings”. I have felt the anxious awaiting of the Father in the story of the Prodigal Son. I have wondered why my child would choose the pig pens over the life that I wanted him to have. And perhaps nothing compares to the joy of seeing your child find God and a better way of life for himself. His beautiful wife has been a great influence for good in his life. I am so grateful he found her and had the good sense to keep her. (and I won’t even talk about that grandson!).

Below is a collage of pictures that David did for them. Notice the blonde little boy in the upper right. That is how I still see him sometimes.

Happy Birthday Derek, I love you so much.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I am working on my taxes. Looking back at my contributions during the year reminds me of a lot of things that have gone on. I know that I have been blessed and am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to help other people through my blessings. There have been many not so blessed; from the Tsunami at the first of the year to the hurricanes at the end of the year. I have friends that have dealt with untimely death, divorce and opportunities to go on mission trips. I was able to help those who have raised money for cancer and hunger for others (40 Days of Fat!). In all of these cases I feel very blessed to have been able to give

Wouldn’t it be great if we could get a receipt when we acted kind or helped someone in other ways than with money? Wouldn’t it be nice to add it all up at the end of the year, not to enhance a refund (I hope, I hope) but to just evaluate how much we are being like Jesus? I just wonder if our contributions would exceed our withdrawals. In other words have we served more or been served more. In my life, those who have served me have been such a blessing and I know my account is probably in the red.

This year I would like to give more of myself. Not that I am trying to be “saved by works” but because I want to be a profitable servant for Jesus. I want folks to look at my life and not have to wonder if I am producing fruit. How about it? You want to start an account?

Scary E-mail

DONNA T GOSSETT, Amazon.com has new recommendations for you based on 82 items you purchased or told us you own.

I think I may have a problem.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Career

Your Career Type: Artistic

You are expressive, original, and independent.
Your talents lie in your artistic abilities: creative writing, drama, crafts, music, or art.

You would make an excellent:

Actor - Art Teacher - Book Editor
Clothes Designer - Comedian - Composer
Dancer - DJ - Graphic Designer
Illustrator - Musician - Sculptor

The worst career options for your are conventional careers, like bank teller or secretary.

What's Your Ideal Career?
Thanks to Hoots for this one....
Boy am I messed up!


This morning I am thinking about clay. Sometimes when I think about clay I am actually thinking about Play Dough, which I don’t think is really clay but it is a derivative, but today I am thinking about real clay. Do you remember the first verse of the song Have Thine Own Way? (Does it surprise you that spell check does not know the word “thine”.)

Have Thine own way Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the potter, I am the clay,
Mold me and make me after thy will,
While I am waiting Yielded and still

Last night my mother was telling me of an incident with my aunt who is now in the nursing home. She was concerned over whether she could receive forgiveness for sometimes missing church when maybe they really could have been there. This conversation broke my heart. How do people spend 60 to 70 years in church and still not know their Father?

I think it is clay. The church they were part of decided they had it all right. God had formed them into the perfect infallible church. They had set guide lines and rules and really all you had to do was follow these in the right building and by all means be at every meeting and you will be formed in God’s will. This had to be right, every verse of the Bible had been analyzed over and over and the rules were clear! So the only thing left to do was fire this clay. Of course then it becomes a beautiful vessel, shiny and perfected by the fire. But now this vessel if very fragile, a few broken rules could shatter it to pieces. How could it be put back together again?

Clay is the most appealing when it stays soft and malleable. Rules were the hang up of the Pharisees. Grace was the gift of Christ. What is grace but the ability of God to squash us out flat when we mess up and make us beautiful again? I want to be continually formed by God. I want my mind and my heart to be open to all of the ways he can shape me into a better servant of his.

Lord, help me to be soft and yielding to your will. Help me to know you and to strive every day to please you. Help me to always be open to your leading and be the person that you would have me to be.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Why don't you just ask?

We had another good visit to the Doctor today. (I do believe that it has rained every Monday but one since the first of the year) The babies were being a little shy. We tried to get pictures of their faces but baby A was too low in the pelvic region to see her face. Baby B had his arm thrown over his face, but we got a nice shot of his ear. Baby C finally gave us a little profile shot, but her head was pretty far into Diana’s back. Don’t it make you hurt to just think about all of that? She is doing great. We had a little shower/luncheon at the office when we returned. She has been so blessed to receive so many wonderful gifts. We are all very appreciative.

Do you ever find yourself really struggling with something or someone and you just don’t really know what to do? This weekend I was studying the Sermon on the Mount from a different angle. Matthew 7: 7-8 jumped out at me.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Why do I struggle so much? Why don’t I give it to God? Generally when I do… I find answers; if not a solution then the peace to deal with whatever I am facing. Sometimes we treat prayer as a last resort and thus limit its true power. The things and the people I struggle with may be too much for me to “handle”. But if I will ask my Father he can handle it with no problem. He re-emphasizes this point in verse 11.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him

Thank you God! Forgive me for waiting so long to ask.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Question for you

To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girlfriends (Benjamin Franklin)

OK ladies (and gentlemen) is this true?

Saturday, February 18, 2006


It is really cold. Maybe I can will make some spaghetti to eat while sitting in front of the fire to watch the race tomorrow....

So what are you going to be doing? After church of course....

Although sometimes they may seem a little "too close"

Friday, February 17, 2006


Six years ago I decided to try something. I did not want to go the Marriage Enrichment class that our x-minister Randy was teaching, so I decided to start a Ladies Prayer Class. I felt certain that I was not the only one who did not wish to attend that class, but truly had no ideal what the response would be. In the beginning there were between eight and twelve of us. We grew so incredibly close. We took each others prayer request with us throughout the week. We were finally in a format where we felt free to express some of the things that had bothered us and safe enough to ask for prayers in areas where we were weak. The class was not successful because of my teaching/leading whatever, but it was successful because it was filling a need that many were hungry for. I formed some lasting friendships, that I am convinced would not have happened outside of this arena. I had attended church and Sunday school with most of these ladies for over 10 years and didn’t know them yet…but in the comfort of this Wednesday night meeting we bonded, we connected, we learned to see each other in a new light.

Six years later the group has changed a lot. We are a much larger group and many of the original ladies have moved away or are going to other classes. We still have a very special connection, and I guess this as close as I have been to being in a “small group” situation. We don’t all think the same. I sometimes get way out on a limb, but there are folks who are hugging the trunk and can pull me back in. I think a healthy difference of opinions is a good thing.

This past Wednesday night was my last night to teach this group. With the babies coming in the next month I felt that I needed to be free to be on call. I know that I will miss it. But I also know that the class will continue with fresh new leadership.

My service for the next few month will be to my family. After things settle down, who knows, maybe I will have another idea....

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Danger Zone

There is nothing that is more dangerous to your own salvation, more unworthy of God and more harmful to your own happiness, than that you should be content to remain as you are.

Francois Fenelon

There are days when the e-mail devotionals I receive are directed straight at me! Today was one of those days. Perhaps all good fish do constantly seek better water. I felt a sense of peace when I read this….

and girls, I love Dory too!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fish in Water

I am a fish.

I am tired of swimming in this aquarium. I know that there are better waters out there. But all of my life I have been told that if you were swimming anywhere else you were not really a fish. I know now that is not true. I have met many fish who swim in other waters…and trust me, they are FISH!

My problem is that I have been so preoccupied with swimming in new waters that I have quit enjoying swimming. Swimming is what my life is all about, but I have been distracted by my determination to find better waters to swim in. It has robbed me of the sheer joy to be found in swimming.

It is time for me to quit looking for bluer waters to swim in and just swim. After all I am a fish.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

All in a Day

I hope you are all planning to do something special with your sweethearts today. Somehow I don’t think it will be meaningful for me to tell you happy Valentines Day….unless of course you are my Valentine….so I won’t.


Yesterday told a life’s story. Yes one little day on the calendar covered the substance of the things that life is made of.

I pray that God will take me home when I can no longer be useful with my mind. The joy, the loving, the sorrow and the anticipation we feel punctuates how truly alive we are. God help me make my life count…..for you.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Where Am I Going?

Sometimes I think I need a road map to find my way around this crazy little thing called life. I seem to get off on detours and side roads, or sometimes just stop to have a picnic at the park and forget to get back on the road. There is so much to do at the park….I need to swing and run and play. Then I must pick up the trash and keep the park neat for the next people to come. Maybe I should just stay here to greet the next people....... Oh yes, I am supposed to be getting back on the road. Now, where was it I was going?

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Winter WONDER land

Yesterday afternoon I say amazing sun rays shine through thick grey snow clouds...reminding me of God's love shining through the troubles we may have.

Last night the bright moon reflected off of the small pools of snow that accumulated on our deck...reminding me of the peace of God.

This afternoon after the sun had set the rising moon reflected off of the clouds making the cloud shine white in the evening sky....reminding me of the power of God to be a light in a world of darkness.

Normally we see God in the beauty of spring and fall, but he is here in the cold of winter (even without real snowfall). Please take time to see him where you are.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Hard to Save the World

I am just a little tired this morning.....all night I have worked along side Jack Bauer. I even prevented one woman from committing suicide by forcibly removing the pills from her mouth....

The weird thing, it while I have every episode recorded, we have not had time to watch them since David's return from Japan. Don't know what prompted that dream.....

Oh and about that snow......Bread Men, Milk Men and Weathermen.....they have a conspiracy going on! Not a flake in sight!

Friday, February 10, 2006


Here are the answers.

And here are some pictures from the shower.

Movie Trivia

Yesterday was a little too serious, a little too heavy for me. (not just my post, just a bad day) So today I thought we would play a little game.

Below I have listed quotes, some well known some more obscure. The movies span the 90's and the current decade (one may go back to late 80's). See how many you can get. I will post a link to the answers later today.

#1-I feel the need ….the need for speed.

#2-Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?

#3-Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

#4-You know how a women gets a man excited? She shows up. That's it. We're guys, we're easy.

#5-They're not gonna catch us. We're on a mission from God.

#6-Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

#7-You can't ride two horses with one ass, sugarbean.

#8-I'm pond scum. Well, lower actually. I'm like the fungus that feeds on pond scum.

#9-You make $100 an hour and you have a safety pin holding your boot up?

#10-This is the captain. We have a little problem with our entry sequence, so we may experience some slight... turbulence and then explode.

#11-If a man has crushed, shot, stabbed, and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how upset do you really think you're gonna make him by hauling Mom and Uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?

#12-I'm a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. That's what kind of man I am. You're just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. It's science

#13-Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

#14- Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. It just so happens that your friend here is only MOSTLY dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do….. Go through his clothes and look for loose change

#15-I have a question, say we get into the cage, and through the security doors there and down the elevator we can't move, and past the guards with the guns, and into the vault we can't open... Yeah well, say we do all that... uh... we're just supposed to walk out of there with $150,000,000 in cash on us, without getting stopped?

#16-Your aim's as bad as your cooking sweetheart... and that's saying something!

#17-Look, I'm just a biochemist. Most of the time, I work in a little glass jar and lead a very uneventful life. I drive a Volvo, a beige one. But what I'm dealing with here is one of the most deadly substances the earth has ever known, so what say you cut me some FRIGGIN' SLACK?

#18- Show me the money!

Have Fun!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

More than Words

Peter is one of my favorite apostles. I don’t know if I just identify with his impulsiveness, or if it just the fact that we are told about more of the times when he “messed up”. No one can deny that he had passion. He was the one to step out and walk on the water (sure he later sank, but at least he tried). He wanted to build the alter at the transfiguration, he cut off the soldiers ear (don’t you wonder why Peter was the one who was trusted with the sword?) and he promised Jesus that even if he had to die with him he would NEVER deny him. We know the rest of the story, later that very night he denied Jesus three times. Luke’s account tells us that when the rooster crowed Jesus looked at Peter. Can you imagine the shame and regret that Peter felt.

Jesus knew before hand that Peter would deny him, yet he loved him still. He was there, suffering and was able to hear Peter actually curse and deny that he knew him at all, it must have stung. But Jesus knew Peter. He knew he was impulsive and that he was scared. He did not hold Peter’s words against him. He loved Peter. He knew how he really felt. His denial was recorded for all of history, but Jesus knew that Peter did believe, that he did love him and that he would always be on his side.

Have you ever spoken words in anger, hurt, frustration or even pride that you wish you could take back? Even worse, have you put your thoughts and feelings in writing and later had them used against you? If you are like me, there are several things you have said whether out loud or in print that you wish you could “un-say”. It is not always that what was said was so bad, just that it was taken to be the one thing that someone used to “define” you.

I hope that if you take the time to read anything I write, or if I have the opportunity to talk to you in “real-life” that you will not judge me harshly by words that you may find offensive or hurtful. I pray that you will give me the chance to show you more of my true self and to demonstrate that I am a failure, but that I am striving everyday to be more like Jesus. At the same time I pray for the wisdom to offer this grace to others. If Jesus gave Peter another chance, surely I can do that for people in my life.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Reading Instructions

Yesterday my daughter and I drove to Huntsville to pick up our (their) baby cribs. We had a good time and ended up buying a few cute little outfits too. When we got back to their house Joseph (my son-in-law) got the beds unloaded and he and I decided to put one together. Diana thought maybe we should call David, but Joseph and I insisted that we could do it!

You see, David is one of those guys with skills . “Yeah, you know, you send them into the wilderness with a pocket knife and a Q-tip and they build you a shopping mall.” (Six Days and Seven Nights). My son used to call him Macgyver. He is inventive and creative. On the other hand if you were going to compare my skills with a TV character you would think of Gilligan, or Tim The Tool Man. I have been known to destroy a lawn mower and weed eater in the same day.

But the instructions were there, I felt sure we could handle this project. But you know the thing about instructions is they are written by people who have been through the process before. We did eventually get the bed together. But we moved and adjusted and tried and scratched our heads a few times before we completed the process. It was real important that we kept the final result in mind to make the illustrated instructions make sense.

I think this may be a problem we get into when we read the Bible as an instruction book. It is easy to get hung up on nuts and bolts and forget that the overall process is to build a “Christian”. Many times the instructions will not make sense to someone who has not been through the process. Our Christian life will involve making adjustments, moving things around and even realizing that we were just reading things wrong. Being able to make changes and adjustments is necessary to function in life. Why do we sometimes resist changing ideals and traditions that are keeping us from building what we want to be?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Moment of Shame

This morning I was ready to get out of bed. I just had a feeling I was going to feel better today. I do feel better. I am not 100%, but I am at least 75% and that is a great improvement. I e-mailed a friend this morning that I even cared what my hair looked like today….that is progress.

Last night I had a moment of shame. I stopped by Wal-Mart after work because even in the rain when I am sick I can not let my dogs go without food. But as is usually the case in Wal-Mart I had picked up several other things. When I got to the register I counted my items to make sure I could go to the 20 Item or less register, legally. (Yes Terri, some rules I follow). Anyway I had only 15 items, so I proceeded to the shortest line I could see. When I got in line I realized I knew the cashier, and I do not like this person. Suddenly I remembered a couple of other items that I needed and I wheeled my buggy around to get my pack of gum and proceeded to the other end of the registers.

Just yesterday I commented to JettyBetty’s blog about how I was doing better about seeing people who were invisible to me before. Now I find myself trying to make people that I do see invisible. This person has not done anything to me directly. I just feel a sense of fakeness around them. I am put off by an attitude that seems to always focus either pity or piety towards themselves. But, I can be kind. I can “love” even when I don’t “like”. So while I was mentally complaining that people cannot seem to read the sign over the doors that say Enter and Exit, I found myself being common, petty and not acting like Jesus would. I was not happy with myself when I drove away.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'm Here

For those of you who think you know me and worry that I haven’t posted by this time on Monday (yes, I AM fairly predictable) I need to let you know that my daughter goes to the Doctor in Birmingham (1 hour drive each way) every Monday. So from now ‘till I post about being Mimi to TRIPLETS, Monday’s will be somewhat manic for me! (BTW-Mother and babies are doing great! She had a fantastic shower and things are getting very exciting. Please continue to remember her and the babies in your prayers).

The weatherman practically guaranteed us it would snow last night. He was wrong. Have you ever noticed that when science tries to predict what God’s world will do they are wrong more times than they are right? I am grateful that we have weather warnings and advisories, but I must wonder if weather people don't lead a very frustrated life.

You know, when I try to guide God’s will to match my will instead of the other way around, I too lead a frustrated life.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sickly Super Sunday

It has obviously been a mild winter. I put on a coat yesterday for the first time in a while and found $13.00!! I love to find money.

I worked at our local Home and Garden Show yesterday and met two men who had at least for a time had no TV in their house. One of the men had not had one in 35 years! He told of how his three children lamented what they would tell their friends. I respect him for sticking to his resolve. I just wonder if I could do it. I think for the most part the things I do watch on TV are more good than bad, but would I be willing to give it up? Would you?

I am “sick and tired” of being sick. I had to leave the office again on Friday, feeling awful! I guess that will teach me to question why people go to the Doctor so much. I almost relented and went to see the Dr., but then the good ER Doc that attends our church agreed to call me in a Z-pack. Gotta love that. Anyway, I must put on my happy face and pretend I feel good long enough to get through this baby shower today. Then maybe I can go home put on some sweat clothes and sleep in front of the Super Bowl. Maybe I can wake up long enough to watch Mick and the boys (and I said I watch good stuff on TV!!)

Happy Super Sunday!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Good Things

Yesterday the local paper ran a front page story about the family we placed in the Habitat House. I read the article and felt a great deal of satisfaction that we were able to help this woman and her teenage sons to have a home of their own. I told you last fall about the home visit we made to the mobile home they were living in before.

I was appointed as the chair of the selection committee at the first board meeting I attended. I questioned my qualifications to do this job, however I now realize that I was able to use my strengths of analyzing financial situations and credit reports to determine which family to choose. We have committees set up to handle each phase of construction and family placement. One of the best things about Habitat is that we have a nurturing committee. They are there to teach the new home owners some of the responsibilities of owning a home. They also provide a support system for the new home owners when they have questions or just get overwhelmed. Many times we don’t realize that people don’t know how to take care of a house and yard. We just criticize our neighbors for their lack of work when really they just lack the proper training.

In organizations such as Habitat you need to have a specific assignment to make sure that things get done. They would never ask me to install electrical fixtures or even to paint (if they have ever cleaned up behind me). At the same time there are many people who would not know where to start in reading a credit report. It works great when everyone is both allowed and expected to work in the area of their strengths and abilities.

Hmmm, I know of another organization that should work like that.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Muddling Through

This is Mom & Dad (holding Matthew of course) and the waitresses coming to sing happy birthday! Daddy told them all he was 57...I said he was dyslectic!

Some days it seems like my brain never fully engages. Today has been such a day. I am really tired of having my head stopped up with “gunk”. Everyday, ordinary stuff just takes too long to do.

The family is going out to eat tonight to celebrate my Dad’s birthday. Derek has a birthday this month too, but after that when we all go out we are going to need three more seats!!!! That is unbelievable to me.

How do you think these would look on the triplets?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Things that make you go hmmmm

Do you try to explain it when you have something extra nice happen to you? Last night I was looking for an obscure story in one of the books I have read. I felt sure that the name of the chapter would lead me to it, but I was wrong. “Oh well” I thought, “I know it was somewhere around the middle of the book.” I opened the book and was on the exact page that this story was on.

This morning I went to the gym, trying to break back in from my sickness. When I arrived I could see that the regular instructor was not there, and as I feared the instructor from &*@! was there to take his place. At the last minute she asked a girl who was there for the first time in months if she wanted to teach….and she said yes!!! I ended up having a great work-out after all.

Small gifts of favor, the occasional Déjà vu; do you try to explain it?

Happy Birthday

1st day of February! Happy Birthday Daddy! My Dad always worked hard. I can remember him coming in from work, dirty and exhausted. It was not unusual for him to be asleep in his chair by 7:00. However, the sleep was never deep enough for him to sleep through us trying to change the TV channel. That was the real curse of the manual changer {for you youngsters that was before remote control} the noise. If you dared to try and watch Carol Burnett, he would almost come out of the chair. I really never understood what he had against Carol. He watched Red Skeleton religiously; it was sort of the same wasn’t it?

Saturday nights at my house involved enduring Lawrence Welk and Hee-Haw. (The links to these shows says they were both cancelled in 1971...I am pretty sure they showed reruns for at least ten more years around here...probably longer, I know it was always on when I was dating and I sure wasn't dating in 1971!) I guess I inherited my eclectic taste in music. Some Saturday nights we would go to the local music house (you couldn’t really call it a honky-tonk we live in a dry county) to hear the local Blue Grass bands. I truly learned to hate it. But way before I knew or cared to hate the Tennessee Volunteers I knew all the words to Rocky Top. People would get up and “buck dance” {not my family} and basically just have a good time. I don’t know if people still do that around here, I don’t really think I care enough to find out.

But, it would be cool if people my age would get together and play classic rock on the weekends. All those bands that were around when we were in school could reunite and get together on Saturday nights; maybe we could “break-dance”. HA! Actually most of the people my age seem to have converted to Country Music. I understand to an extent, many of the songs truly sound like rock. I guess I am just a die hard but I can’t make the switch. However, I would be a lot more interested in going to a Third Day concert than most of the “rockers” that are still around. So I guess I have changed, just in a different direction.

Just as a footnote, my Dad knew how to play hard too! He always played softball with us in the front yard. He cracked a rib roller skating with us. He still loves to laugh and cut up with us. He kept the basement clear where we could ride our bikes (yes we rode bikes round and round in the basement) and roller skates down there. I didn’t know what a sacrifice this was for him until we all moved out and the “projects” began. I love you Daddy! Happy Birthday!

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